How to Protect Tooth Enamel from Erosion

porcelain veneers

Tooth enamel may be the strongest substance in your body, but it is still vulnerable to erosion and decay. Over time, enamel erosion can lead to tooth sensitivity and cavities. If you want to avoid these unfortunate and uncomfortable consequences of tooth enamel erosion, there are a few tips you want to know about. Causes of tooth decay […]

What Is Tooth Contouring and Reshaping?

Beautiful pearly whites

There are lots of cosmetic dentistry treatments available to people who would like to improve the aesthetic appearance of their smile and boost their self-confidence. You may already be familiar with some of them, such as teeth whitening and Invisalign aligners. But what about tooth contouring and reshaping? This lesser-known procedure is actually commonly performed, […]

How To Fix A Chipped Tooth

Tooth chips and fractures are treated by dentists every day. They range from minor to severe, with treatment based on the extent of injury. For instance, craze lines affecting the outermost layer of enamel, often require no care to protect the underlying structures of the teeth, although patients may wish to correct the cosmetic appearance. […]

Crowns vs. Veneers: What’s the Difference?

dental crowns veneers

Crowns and veneers are both popular dentistry choices, but they are quite different. Crowns are restorations that are fitted to cover the entire natural tooth, whereas veneers are cosmetic dentistry treatments that are bonded firmly to just the visible sides of the teeth. It can be tricky figuring out which dentistry treatments will help you […]